Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing – How Does It Help Businesses Today?

In the beginning, social media was widely used by businesses sharing content about their brand, products, and services – all for the purpose of generating traffic to their websites, and hopefully, enticing users to buy. However, social media soon progressed and became more than just a place to publish content. Eventually, businesses started implementing social media marketing strategies to help them engage with existing customers, attract new ones, improve brand awareness, increase sales, and many more.

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Social media marketing, or simply known as SMM, is a term referring to the use of various social media channels to achieve its marketing and branding goals. From marketing the company’s products and services, brands can generate attention or online traffic towards their business through effective promotions on different social media sites. From Facebook and Instagram to Twitter and other social media platforms, company owners and their team are aware of the varying features and services these platforms offer to maximise its full marketing potential.

Various Benefits Provided By SMM Social Media Marketing

Today, using social media is one of the most popular online activities along with watching videos, using text or instant messaging, shopping, using online banking services, and many more. With 4.48 billion people actively using social media today and counting, businesses should make sure to have a social media presence and put their brand forward to as many people locally and globally as possible.

Social media networks have become a significant part of every marketing strategy implemented by numerous businesses that it would be unwise to not use it to promote your brand, products, and services. Social media growth means the potential for your business growth too. Here are some of the valuable benefits that SMM could bring your business.

Helps in increasing brand awareness
Businesses can increase their online visibility and syndicate their content, making social media a cost-efficient digital marketing method. With 4.48 billion people and counting, you will be engaging with a diverse local and international audience as you share content about your products and services as well as important details about your company. By engaging with the audience as they like, share, repost, and comment on content that contain website links, not only are you boosting brand awareness but ensuring direct traffic to your website.
Helps in generating leads and boosting conversions
There are plenty of social media marketing companies today, but make sure that you’re working with experts of boosting conversions and generating leads. Promoting and sharing products on social me4dia may sound simple, but it will take more than that to leave a good impression on visitors and improve conversion rates. Brands that are interactive online makes people begin to trust the business’ credibility. Generate more leads by creating contests, hosting live videos, engaging with customers, and more.
Helps in managing the brand’s reputation
Having a social media presence, whether big or small, means that your customers are already sharing and commenting on your brand’s products and services. With a team dedicated to pick up on social posts that may hurt the company’s reputation, it’ll be promptly managed. Customers who leave negative reviews and comments will be dealt with by politely and professionally sharing your side of the story. This lets the audience know that you listen and attend to your customers.
Helps you learn from competitors
Not only is social media a way to know what people says about your brand, but also that of your competitors. Social media helps you keep an eye on the products they’re launching, their marketing tactics, their level of communication with followers, and so on. If you know what’s working and what isn’t will reveal areas to improve on your products and services that will win over new customers to your side.

Clearly, social media marketing has more advantages than you can think and these are just some of it worth mentioning. Businesses that correctly implements SMM tactics stand to benefit the most.

Different Platform To Use For Social Media Marketing

Businesses were indifferent back when they only saw social media as a place to publish and share content. But now that they see how powerful Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other social networks can be in reaching target audiences around the world, many scramble to take advantage of this marketing platform. Rather than a faceless company, people prefer that they do business with other people and a social media marketing campaign helps you do that because it humanises your brand. Social media gives companies the chance of connecting with people.

With plenty of social media channels, businesses may just want to go ahead and start creating company profiles in all. But it pays to know important details about different social media networks to have a clear understanding of what channels may work for your business.


Founded in 2004, Facebook is considered to be the biggest of any social network with over 2.8 billion active users. Facebook users spend half or more of their day viewing photos and videos, sharing updates, commenting on their group’s posts, and more. One of the good things about Facebook aside from connecting to dozens of events or pages is that companies reach a wide audience, use a variety of ad formats, take advantage of audience transparency, and more.


With over 390 million active users worldwide, Twitter is one other place of engaging with your customers. Popular among users aged 25 to 34, it’s different from Facebook but is considered to be a strong news source. From getting more traffic to building a traffic, Twitter helps businesses achieve their goals, especially when it comes to providing faster customer service. It may not be a lead-generating network, but it’s one channel used to connect with people in a personal way.


Considered to be a visual, and addicting, platform, Instagram is a big hit with people of all ages. Initially becoming popular as an image-sharing network, it soon achieved massive popularity because of varying features – including 60 seconds long videos that can be used to highlight important points about brand’s products and services. Although many see it as perfect for image-heavy brands, many saw it as one channel to grow a huge brand following.


Facebook and Twitter may be popular among marketers, but LinkedIn is a platform that’s perfect for B2B marketing. Boasting over 740 million users, LinkedIn is a channel for professionals and companies. You may not see it now but it can help you win leads. Sharing different post types every day, week, or month can help you reach and engage with your audience.

Create A Better Social Media Marketing Strategy With Help From Media Manager

Once you enter the social media scene, it can be a little overwhelming especially not knowing which network will work best in promoting your brand. But knowing where your target audience is and taking advantage of available tools lets you know where to be active and start the marketing tactics.

At Media Manager, we have the experience and expertise required to help you make the most of your social media marketing, regardless of your industry. We offer a wide range of digital marketing services that you may be interested as well. You can take a look at our other services and get in touch with us by sending inquiries here.